Cars for rent in KZ
“You do not need magic to disappear – all you need is destination”. Our car rent company offers you a destination into the heart of Central Asia – to such countries, as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Formerly their territories were included into the Soviet Union, hence travelers from the countries outside USSR were unable to come here and explore their sightseeings. Nowadays the situation changed and everybody who want, can visit these lands. Currently above-mentioned countries are members of the CIS – Commonwealth of Independent States and they are ready to present you all their sightseeings, their wondrous nature, culture, eventful history and wonderful traditions! People here are very friendly and hospitable and they will do their best in order to give you a hearty welcome.
If you come to Central Asia, then you will land in one of those cities: Bishkek, Almaty and Dushanbe. Starting the auto tour from these wonderful cities will mark the great beginning of the wondrous travelling!
Our car rent company has offices here and as soon as you arrive we will be ready to make auto rental agreement. In terms of this agreement, you will sign the required documents, concerning the cars for rent and their exploitation. Afterwards we will accept the full payment for the cars for rent and you will be able to get one. Another thing is security deposit – you will be requested to leave it until your submit the cars for rent back either to the city of Bishkek, Almaty or Dushanbe, where our car rent specialists and mechanics will inspect the auto and then, if they find the damage, you will be obliged to give the appropriate amount of money from the deposit. So, that is all. Choose Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan and fill your life with pleasures!